A Collaborative: The Stanford Medical Education Research Group

Welcome to the School of Medicine's Medical Education Research & Evaluation Group Blog. Meetings are Thursdays from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. This blog is used to announce agenda items, document research discussions, and share ideas and information about publications, presentations and conferences. This site is maintained by the Division of Evaluation. Questions? Contact Dr. Fetterman (davidf@stanford.edu). Assistance with postings? Contact Ms. Jennifer Berry (jenberry@stanford.edu)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

You can pull photos directly from your hardrive (same as using an attachment in email) or you can use weblinks. But you do have to have administrator access - you can't do this through the "blog this!" function. Same thing with weblinks. You do have to go into the HTML coding (but it's pretty easy). So let us know if you want administrator access so you can do your own. Otherwise, if you want photos or weblinks posted, just send them to me by email or in the blog and I can do it for you.

Stanford School of Medicine


Fetterman: King of Blog

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I just put a calendar feature on our blog. Take a look on the right and click on Calendar. You can add to it any deadlines we should be aware of or any conferences we need to know about. I have added the AAMC and AEA, as well as our upcoming Asilomar conference.
Try it out and let me know what you think.
- David

Friday, April 14, 2006

We are working on a calendar of events including: proposal submission dates, professional conference schedules, and talks here in the School of Medicine. Please send this information to Jen and Stephanie to help us consolidate the information and post it on this site. In the meantime, here are some important professional association dates:
April 30-May 3 2006 Western Group Educational Affairs Regional Conference (Asilomar Conference)
October 27 - November 1, - 2006 American Association of Medical Colleges (Seattle, Washington)
November 1 - November 5 - American Evaluation Association (Portland, Oregon)
Take care.

- David

Hello research group - here's our blog...