A Collaborative: The Stanford Medical Education Research Group

Welcome to the School of Medicine's Medical Education Research & Evaluation Group Blog. Meetings are Thursdays from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. This blog is used to announce agenda items, document research discussions, and share ideas and information about publications, presentations and conferences. This site is maintained by the Division of Evaluation. Questions? Contact Dr. Fetterman (davidf@stanford.edu). Assistance with postings? Contact Ms. Jennifer Berry (jenberry@stanford.edu)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Holidays! As we bring another year to a close, it is important to reflect on our accomplishments. We have generated new research ideas, provided constructive, collegial feedback, and presented papers and workshops at professional meetings, including the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Evaluation Association. We have invited speakers, including the editor of MedEdPortal. Many of us have published our work in various journals and books during the year and have plans to continue our scholarly efforts into the next year.

Speaking of plans, we have the following activities on the agenda for next year:

1. preparing to present our successful WGEA proposals (Asilomar - April 27-30)
2. planning for an annual Medical Education Research & Evaluation Conference
3. reviving the Journal Club (4th Thursday of the month from 12-1 in CCSR 4105)
4. continuing our Thur 10:15-11:45 weekly meeting (now held in Redwood T138B)
- January 10 is our first meeting of the year (with Yohko presenting)
5. preparing for our next round of AAMC and AEA proposals (February, April, March)
6. publishing our work
7. pursuing funding streams to support our work

Mostly, however, we have built a vibrant research group and look forward to starting up again in the new year.

Here is the schedule for the new year:


Medical Education Research and Evaluation Group
Thur 10:15 to 11:45 (first 3 weeks of each month & 4th if there are 5 Thursdays in the month)
Redwood T138B

Journal Club
Thur 12-1 (typically 4th Thur of the month) CSSR 4105
Jan 24 12-1
Feb 28 12-1
Mar 27 12-1

Happy Holidays!


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