A Collaborative: The Stanford Medical Education Research Group

Welcome to the School of Medicine's Medical Education Research & Evaluation Group Blog. Meetings are Thursdays from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. This blog is used to announce agenda items, document research discussions, and share ideas and information about publications, presentations and conferences. This site is maintained by the Division of Evaluation. Questions? Contact Dr. Fetterman (davidf@stanford.edu). Assistance with postings? Contact Ms. Jennifer Berry (jenberry@stanford.edu)

Thursday, June 29, 2006


MedEdPORTAL is a new approach to online publication that references peer reviewed teaching resources. Examples of MedEdPORTAL publications include referenced tutorials, cases, lab manuals, evaluation forms, faculty development materials, and virtual patients. For more information see About MedEdPORTAL.

We have provide a link to MedEdPortal on the right hand side of the blog under Links for your convenience.

The research group plans on generating drafts for submission to MedEdPortal this summer.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Free Site to Share Our Documents

This web page is a place for us share our documents with each other over the net. The URL for the site is: http://www.mytempdir.com

The server will keep our files for 21 days (after it is uploaded).

The size of the file must be less than 50 MB in size.

I have posted one of my articles from the Harvard Evaluation Exchange on this server for you to test this tool. Here is the URL to download my article:


Enjoy and see you at the research meetings.

- David