A Collaborative: The Stanford Medical Education Research Group

Welcome to the School of Medicine's Medical Education Research & Evaluation Group Blog. Meetings are Thursdays from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. This blog is used to announce agenda items, document research discussions, and share ideas and information about publications, presentations and conferences. This site is maintained by the Division of Evaluation. Questions? Contact Dr. Fetterman (davidf@stanford.edu). Assistance with postings? Contact Ms. Jennifer Berry (jenberry@stanford.edu)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Medical Education Research Group presented at the American Evaluation Association in Portland, November 2006. The symposium was titled: Empowerment Evaluation in the School of Medicine at Stanford University. Panel members included: Ms. Arnall, Ms. Berry, Dr. Fetterman, Mr. Grant, Ms. Hooper, and Dr. Nevins. A brief video of the presentation is presented on the left side of this message (click on the image). Please contact Dr. Fetterman if you have an questions or would like more information about the presentations.